
Cozy Up with Tuxedo Firewood

A premium, professional, positive experience for Firewood Delivery. You can expect a quality and consistent product with every fire you burn!

Pile of firewood

1/4 Face Cord

A two-foot wide by four-foot tall stack of wood for 20 Fires. Stacked & Delivered.


Pile of birch firewood neatly stacked near the building next to the flower bed

1/2 Face Cord

A four-foot wide by four-foot tall stack of wood for 40 Fires. Stacked & Delivered.


textured firewood background of chopped wood for kindling and heating the house. a woodpile with stacked firewood. the texture of the birch tree. banner

Full Face Cord

An eight-foot wide by four-foot tall stack wood for the entire season. Stacked & Delivered.


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